
Whether you are in college trying to start a job search, early in your career and unhappy with where you are, or established in your career and looking to make a change, Everette can help.

Working Professionals Career Transition Package

This comprehensive 10-session program, completed in 5-10 weeks, is designed for professionals seeking a career transition. Clients assess values, skills, and interests, creating success criteria using tools like PathwayU and CliftonStrengths. Facilitated by Everette, clients collaborate on short- and long-term aspirations, develop action plans, and create materials for their job search. They learn to build a personal brand, connect with industry professionals for networking (critical for the hidden job market), and conduct prototyping conversations. The sessions conclude with Everette's expertise in enhancing online presence and setting up accountability for a successful job search.

Price: $4,500

College Student Package:

Students begin with an immersive program engaging them in a comprehensive career design process. This proven program assists college students in discovering themselves, aligning careers with values and skills, preparing for a job search, and networking for the hidden job market. Students assess values, collaborate on aspirations, create multi-year action plans, produce job search materials, build a personal brand, undertake internships, and connect with industry professionals. Starting earlier provides additional coaching for 1 to 3 years of prototyping possibilities, guiding course selection, skill development, and refining interests.

Price: Inquire through website

Job Search Jumpstart 90 Minute Session:

Join Everette for a 90 minute 1:1 session to start off your job search. 

  • What's important

  • Finding focus

  • LinkedIn/Resume Review

  • Building Your Story

  • Tapping Your Network

Price: $350